Day 3. Frustrating. Still too tentative to march beyond the atrium and out into any branches of the hospital. I'm going to need Susie or Paul to come with me in a more meaningful way than Paul did. Or I need to put my neck on the line a bit more. Either way, I can't afford to be so cowardly. WWOD (What Would Olivier Do?).
In my note book I wrote: "The patient journey. If this is my title/brief, then I need to be careful to stay on point. I've just been sitting here, in the hospital, becoming more and more overwhelmed by the seemingly infinite scope of subject and direction. In every instance I must ask 'does it talk of the patient journey? and if the answer is ni, then I can dismiss that particular subject or direction." I am now confident that I will adopt 'the patient' journey idea as my approach. If for no other reason that since it took root in my mind, I have been unable to come up with anything else. --- I have observed: Constant movement. People are not at ease. In consideration of capturing the constant movement I could draw the constant - environment, furniture etc and then work on subesquent layers of tracing paper, to add people/movement. These could be displayed as layered analogue print (drawn together) or as animation (Irving). Because of the movement I am going to have to cinsider a impressionistic approach to drawing. I have created many drawings that end up this way but it's difficult to select that mode of drawing in advance of doing the work (I know what this means). Today I used the etchr drawing surface/bag/thing. No one cared. Everyone is too busy and preoccupied with their own situation to wonder what I'm doing. Just get on with it, you coward! |
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